Alternatively named Andra-inanyas.
In demonology, an unpleasant demon whose only directive was to hunt and kill men, aided by his henchman Flauros.
According to the Goetia, Andras was a Grand Marquis of Hell, appearing with a winged angel’s body and the head of an owl or raven, riding upon a strong black wolf and wielding a sharp and bright sword. He was also responsible for sowing discord, and commanded 30 infernal legions. He is the 63rd of the 72 spirits of Solomon.
Andras was considered to be a highly dangerous demon, who could kill the conjuring magician and his assistants if precautions were not taken. A misstep outside the magical protective circle could mean instant death for the conjuretors, and Andras was always trying to lure them out.
Andras was also believed to be very skilled in using people's own anger against them, being able of infecting humans with uncontrollable dooming rage. For this reason he was allegedly summoned quite often by military leaders, to use his abilities to incite wars that last for decades, redefining peoples and continents. In addition, due to the subtle nature of his work, Andras was supposedly extremely difficult to detect.
The German demonologist Johann Wier, in his 'Pseudomonarchia Daemonum', says of Andras:
"Andras is a great marquesse, and is seene in an angels shape with a head like a blacke night raven, riding upon a blacke and a verie strong woolfe, flourishing with a sharpe sword in his hand, he can kill the maister, the servant, and all assistants, he is author of discords, and ruleth thirtie legions."
Another demonologist, Collin de Plancy, also mentions Andras in his writings:
"Grand Marquis of Hell. He appears to have the body of an angel and the head of a wood owl, and to be riding a black wolf and carrying in his hand a pointed saber. He teaches those whom he favors to kill their enemies, masters and servants. He stirs up trouble and dissension. He commands thirty legions."
Other sources declare that Andras was the one who played on high with the storms, the warrior-god whose smile is the lightning, who, in order to give freshness to the meadows, hurls down the waters which crush the ripening wheat, and seems, to the agriculturist, a cruel magician.
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Sources: (1) Masello, Robert, Fallen Angels. . . and Spirits of the Dark, The Berkley Publishing Group; (2) de Plancy, Colin, Dictionnaire Infernal, Editions; (3) Wier, Johann, Pseudomonarchia Daemonum; (4) Michelet, Jules and Calfa, Vincenzo, Bible of Humanity, Kessinger Publishing; (5) Mathers, S. Liddell MacGregor, The Goetia, The Key of Solomon the King, The Book Tree.
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