| | | Christianity
The Christian religion, which declares belief in Jesus Christ as God incarnated and follows a faith based on His teachings; also, the Christians as a group.
Christianity came into being circa 30 AD, when the Apostles received the power of the Holy Spirit to preach the resurrection and gospel of Christ.
By 380 AD, Christianity was the official religion of the Roman empire, and became the basis of European civilization in the Middle Ages.
Christianity today includes many denominations and styles of worship. Some of the most important are the Orthodox Churches, the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant Churches, the Church of England, the Churches of Christ, the Episcopal Church, the Lutheran Church, the Pentecostal Churches, the Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Churches, the Salvation Army, Unitarianism, and the Quakers.
See Story of Christianity: A Celebration of 2,000 Years of Faith, Desire of the Everlasting Hills: The World Before and After Jesus, Antichrist, Archangels, Ark of the Covenant, Bath-kol, Dead Sea Scrolls, Glossolalia, Jacob's Ladder, Lourdes, Shroud of Turin, Stigmata, Tabernacle, Tetragrammaton, The Chakra Store, Mystic Gifts and Charms - New Age Gift Shop & Wicca and Pagan Supplies, Love Spells -- Use these powerful love spells to help you find and keep your true love, The Tarot Store, Divination & Scrying Tools and Supplies, Unique Amulets, Talismans, Good Luck Charms, and Love Tokens, Powerful Witch Doctor Spell Kits, Powerful Spells - Cast by Andreika the Witch, Webmasters Make $$$, AzureGreen - Celebrating All Paths to the Divine, ISIS - Tools for Your Soul's Journey, and The Pyramid Collection - Myth, Magick, Fantasy and Romance.
Sources: Article is scheduled to be reviewed.
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Bernadette (Special 150th Anniversary
 -- Enigma of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Amazon Instant Video).
 -- Fishers of Men DVD.
Jesus to Christ: The First Christians DVD.
Greatest Heroes and Legends of the Bible -
The Miracles of Jesus DVD.
History's Mysteries - The Shroud of Turin (DVD).
In Search Of History - Lourdes: Shrine Of
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Jesus & the Shroud of Turin (DVD).
Jesus Christ Superstar (Special Edition DVD).
Lourdes [Blu-ray].
Lourdes: A Story of Faith, Science and
Miracles DVD.
Lourdes: Pilgrimage and Healing DVD.
Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls DVD.
Our Lady Of Lourdes DVD.
 -- Priests of Passion (VHS).
 -- Secrets of Alchemy: The Great Cross and the End of Time - DVD.
Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Amazon Instant Video).
The Dead Sea Scrolls ~ Unlocking the Secrets of the Scriptures DVD.
The Passion of the Christ DVD.
The Real Face of Jesus? (DVD).
The Road to Lourdes and Other Miracles of
Faith DVD.
The Shroud of Turin: 3 Film Collector's Edition (DVD).
The Stones Cry Out (Amazon Instant Video).
Who Was Jesus? (DVD).
 -- Women in Ministry: Silenced or Set Free? 4 DVD Set.
 -- Writing the Dead Sea Scrolls DVD.
 -- Click HERE for more related videos.
 -- Click HERE for the best prices on top-selling DVD titles. | | | -- Angels 101 .
 -- Angel Healing .

 -- Bible Study One - The Book of Genesis .
 -- Biblical Healing .

Handwriting Analysis Basics.
 -- Metaphysics 101 .

Paranormal Investigations: Complete Edition .
 -- Spiritual Counseling 101 .

Understanding Parapsychology and the Paranormal .
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12 Sermons on the
Love of Christ.
12 Sermons on the
Second Coming of Christ.
13 Crucial
Questions Jesus Wants to Ask You.
Days of Prayer With Saint Bernadette of Lourdes.
1st Thessalonians
5:21, The Resurrection, The Jews, and The Hebrew Calendar.
2000 Years Since
Bethlehem: Images of Christ Through the Centuries.
The 25 Most
Common Problems in Business: (And How Jesus Solved Them).
31 Days With the
Master Fisherman: A Daily Devotional on Bringing Christ to Others.
The 365 Days of
Christmas: Keeping the Wonder of It All Ever Green.
365 Wwjd: Daily
Answers to What Would Jesus Do?.
99 Reasons Why No
One Knows When Christ Will Return.
Abide in Christ.
Abiding in Christ.
Abiding in Christ: Becoming a Woman Who Walks With God
- A Month of Devotionals.
About Christ
& the Church.
Absolutely Free:
A Biblical Reply to Lordship Salvation.
According to Mary
Acts of God (Book
Three of The Christ Clone Trilogy).
Adding Cross to
Crown: The Political Significance of Christ's Passion.
An Abundant Life: The Memoirs of Hugh B. Brown.
An Adult Christ
at Christmas: Essays on the Three Biblical Christmas Stories.
An Adventure in
Healing and Wholeness: The Healing Ministry of Christ in the Church Today.
Adventures of a
Church Historian.
Adventuring with
Christ; The Triumphant Experiences of Two Men of God Around the World.
Affirming Faith:
A Confirmand's Journal.
Affirming Faith:
A Congregation's Guide to Confirmation.
After Death - What? according to Jesus.
After the
Alive in Christ:
A 30-Day Devotional.
Alive in Christ:
How to Find Renewed Spiritual Power.
Alive in Christ.
All About God in
All Paths Lead to
Alone in the
Universe? Aliens, the X-Files & God.
Alphonsus Liguori: The Redeeming Love of Christ
- Selected Spiritual Writings.
Amahl and the
Night Visitors.
Ambassadors for
Christ/Distinguished Representatives of the Message Throughout the World.
America's Saints: The Rise of Mormon Power.
America, Cradle
for the Second Coming of Christ.
America; Cradle
for the Second Coming of the Christ.
American Hymns
Old and New.
An Account of the
Growth of Deism in England (Publication).
An American
Prophet's Record: The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith (2nd Ed).
Anchor Man: How
a Father Can Anchor His Family in Christ for the Next 100 Years.
And the Angels
Were Silent (Easyread Type) [LARGE PRINT].
Revelations of Divine Truth, Volume I.
Revelations of Divine Truth, Volume II.
Apocalypticism in
the Dead Sea Scrolls (The Dead Sea Scrolls Series).
Aramaic Bible: Targums in Their Historical Context.
Ascending Jacob's
Ladder: Jewish Views of Angels, Demons, and Evil Spirits.
Back to Darwin:
The Scientific Case for Deistic Evolution.
Speaks to You.
Body, Blood and
Sexuality: A Psychoanalytic Study of St. Francis' Stigmata.
Child at
Dead Sea Scrolls: The Complete Story.
Deism, Masonry,
and the Enlightenment: Essays Honoring Alfred Owen Aldridge.
Desire of the Everlasting Hills: The World Before and After Jesus.
Early Deism in
France: From the So-Called Deistes of Lyon.
in Lucia's Own Words.
Glossolalia: A
Bibliography (Studies in the Bible and Early Christianity, Vol 6).
Glossolalia: the
Gift of Tongues.
Glossolalia in
the New Testament.
Morning, Holy Spirit.
Heaven and Earth;
A Jacob's Ladder Book.
History of
British Deism.
History of New
Testament Research: From Deism to Tubingen.
How to Be Filled With the Holy Spirit.
Idol Temples and
Crafty Priests: The Origins of Enlightenment Anticlericalism.
Inquest on the Shroud of
Turin: Latest Scientific Findings (Latest Scientific Findings).
Interpreting the
Sermon on the Mount in the Light of Jewish Tradition.
Judgment Day for
the Shroud of Turin.
Let the Bible
Speak -- About Tongues.
Looking for a
Miracle: Weeping Icons, Relics, Stigmata, Visions & Healing Cures.
Mere Christianity: Comprising the Case for Christianity, Christian Behaviour, and Beyond Personality.
Lady of Fatima.
Prophecy and
Inspired Speech in Early Christianity and Its Hellenistic Environment.
Reclaiming the
Dead Sea Scrolls.
Relic, Icon or Hoax?
Carbon Dating the Turin Shroud.
Relics: The
Shroud of Turin, the True Cross, the Blood of Januarius.
Bernadette Soubirous.
Secrets of the
Dead Sea Scrolls.
Sindon: A Layman's Guide
to the Shroud of Turin.
Stigmata; A
Medieval Mystery in a Modern Age.
Stigmata and
Modern Science.
Story of Christianity: A Celebration of 2,000 Years of Faith.
Targum Studies:
Textual and Contextual Studies in the Pentaeuchal Targums.
Targums Neofiti 1
and Pseudo-Jonathan: Numbers (Aramaic Bible, Vol 4).
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Tree: Devotions for Children and Adults to Prepare for the Coming of the Christ.
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Shroud: New Evidence That the World's Most Sacred Relic Is Real.
The Complete Dead
Sea Scrolls in English.
The Dead Sea
Scrolls and the First Christians: Essays and Translations.
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Scrolls Deception.
The Dead Sea
Scrolls Today.
The Dead Sea
Scrolls Translated: The Qumran Texts in English.
Fatima Prophecies.
Fatima Secret.
The Gift of
Tongues: An Evaluation.
The Historical
Argument for the Resurrection of Jesus During the Deist Controversy.
Last Secret.
The Mystery and
Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
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the Shroud of Turin: New Scientific Evidence.
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Divine Intervention and the Human Condition.
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Rhetoric of the English Deists: The Discourse of Skepticism.
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Messiah: Templars, the Turin Shroud and the Great Secret of Freemasonry.
The Shroud of
Turin; An Adventure of Discovery.
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Turin and the C-14 Dating Fiasco.
The Turin Shroud
Is Genuine: The Irrefutable Evidence.
The Two Targums
of Esther (Aramaic Bible, Vol 18).
The View from
Jacob's Ladder: One Hundred Midrashim.
They Bore the
Wounds of Christ: The Mystery of the Sacred Stigmata.
Toward a Process Pneumatology.
Understanding the
Dead Sea Scrolls: A Reader from the Biblical Archaeology Review.
Unlocking the
Secrets of the Shroud.
What Are the
Targums? Selected Texts (Old Testament Studies, Vol 7).

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Jesus Christ related books.

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Miracles related books.

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Pneumatology related books.

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