| | | Greece
A nation located in southeastern Europe, which the capital is the city of Athens, with a long history and tradition, as far back as thousands of years BC.
Greek-speaking Achaeans invaded the Greek peninsula from central Europe circa 2000 BC, displacing and enslaving the Pelasgians (aboriginal non-Greek inhabitants of Greece, Asia Minor and the Aegean Islands).
The earliest highly developed civilization in the Aegean area was the Minoan civilization of Crete (c. 3000-1400 BC) which spread to the mainland and gave rise to the Mycenean civilization (c. 1400-1200 BC).
This is the heroic age described by Homer. This civilization was destroyed (c. 1200 BC) by the Dorians, the second great wave of Greek-speaking invaders from the north, who increased the migrations to the islands and to Asia Minor. The early tribal settlements developed (1000-700 BC) into small independent city-states. Growing populations and a shortage of land led to overseas colonization on the coast of the Black Sea, in Sicily and in the western Mediterranean (c. 750-500 BC). By 500 BC most cities were governed by oligarchies or democracies.
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In spite of their shared language, the city-states remained divided and developed separately, with Athens and Sparta emerging as the leading powers. The Greek cities of Asia Minor, which had been absorbed into the Lydian and Persian empires during the 6th century BC, revolted (499 BC) and were crushed, despite help from Athens. This led to the Persian Wars (499-449 BC), in which Persia invaded European Greece and was defeated at Marathon (490 BC) and Plataea (479 BC), the Persian fleet being crushed at Salamis (480 BC).
Athenian democracy attained its peak under Pericles and Athens became the intellectual and artistic center of Greece. Growing rivalry between Sparta and Athens led to the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC), which ended with the capitulation of Athens. Continuing rivalries and conflicts greatly weakened the Greek city-states, and Macedonia, under Philip II, grew in power and dominated Greece (338 BC).
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Suggested Software:
Courses on New Age and Alternative Beliefs:
Age of Mythology Gold Edition.
Ancient Greece.
Ancient Lands CD-ROM.
Ancient Times
Battle for Troy CD-ROM.
Before You Know It Greek Language Tutor Software.
Fly To Greece Software.
Greek Mythology CD-ROM.
The Journey of
Civilization CD-ROM.
CD-ROM: The History of Earth.
Time Passages Astrology (PC & Mac).
Divination 4 CD-ROM Set: Astrology, Tarot, Palmistry, I Ching.

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5000 Years of Magnificent Wonders: The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (DVD).

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Ancient Greece -
Vol. 1.

Ancient Greece -
Vol. 2.

Ancient Greece - Traditions of Greek Culture DVD.

Ancient Mysteries - Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (DVD).

Athens - Triumph
& Tragedy.

and Honor at the First Olympics.


Cities of the Ancient World: Athens and Ancient Greece.

Greece: Athens
and the Peloponnes, Greek Islands.

Greece - Secrets of the Past IMAX DVD.


Civilizations - Greece.

Mystical Monuments of Ancient Greece (DVD).

Powerful Gods of
Mt. Olympus.

Secrets of Ancient Empires: The First Cities DVD.

Seven Wonders of the Industrial World (DVD).

Greek Gods DVD.

The Seven Wonders Of The Ancient World (Amazon Instant Video).

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (DVD).

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: A Journey Back in Time (DVD).

Timeless Tales:
Myths of Ancient Greece.

Who's Who in Greek and
Roman Mythology DVD.

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Ancient Civilizations (World History Part 1).

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Paranormal Investigations: Complete Edition.

UFO Studies.

Understanding Parapsychology and the Paranormal.

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new age and alternative beliefs courses .
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A Brief History of Ancient Greece: Politics, Society, and Culture.

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(Cultural Atlas for Young People).

Ancient Greece
(Living History).

Ancient Greece:
A Political, Social, and Cultural History.

Ancient Greece: From Prehistoric to Hellenistic Times.

Ancient Greece:
The Dawn of the Western World.

Arcana Mundi:
Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds.

Athens: A
Portrait of the City in Its Golden Age.

Atlas of the
Greek World.

Athena: Stories from Ancient Greece.

Courtesans &
Fishcakes: The Consuming Passions of Classical Athens.

Great Wonders of the World.

Handbook to Life
in Ancient Greece.

Science in Ancient Greece.

Seven Wonders Beyond the Solar System.

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Seven Wonders of the World: People & Places.

The Cambridge
Illustrated History of Ancient Greece (Cambridge Illustrated History).

The Greeks and
Greek Civilization.

The Penguin
Historical Atlas of Ancient Greece.

The Seven Wonders
of the Ancient World.

The Seven Wonders
of the Ancient World.

The Seven Wonders
of the World.

What Are the Seven Wonders of the World?

The Wonders of
the World.

Who Killed Homer?
The Demise of Classical Education and the Recovery of Greek Wisdom.

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