| | | Hinduism
A diverse body of religion, philosophy, and cultural practice native to and predominant in India, marked by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being of many forms and natures, by a desire for liberation from earthly evils, and by the view that opposing theories are aspects of one eternal truth.
Hinduism was founded circa 1500 BC by Aryan invaders of India.
Hindu is a believer in Hinduism, or of or relating to Hinduism or from India.
Hinduism is very diverse in its practices and beliefs. Hindu tradition stresses the right way of living, or dharma. There are many gods and many sects. Their most important beliefs are the samsara cycle of birth and rebirth, and karma, the law by which the consequences of our actions in this life are carried over into the next.
See Out-of-body Experience, Aura, Astral Projection, Bibliomancy, Kabbalism, Alchemy, Mystic Gifts and Charms - New Age Gift Shop & Wicca and Pagan Supplies, Love Spells -- Use these powerful love spells to help you find and keep your true love, The Tarot Store, The Chakra Store, Divination & Scrying Tools and Supplies, Unique Amulets, Talismans, Good Luck Charms, and Love Tokens, Powerful Witch Doctor Spell Kits, Powerful Spells - Cast by Andreika the Witch, Webmasters Make $$$, AzureGreen - Celebrating All Paths to the Divine, ISIS - Tools for Your Soul's Journey, and The Pyramid Collection - Myth, Magick, Fantasy and Romance.
Sources: (1) Dictionary of the Occult, Caxton Publishing; (2) Spence, Lewis, An Encyclopedia of Occultism, Carol Publishing Group.
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Suggested Books:
A Treatise On Jainism (Forgotten Books).
Am I A Hindu? The Hinduism Primer.
An Introduction to Hinduism.
An Introduction to Jainism.
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Brief History of
Tantra Literature.
Canon of the
Shaivagama and the Kubjika: Trantras of the Western Kaula Tradition (Shaiva Traditions of
Eastern Religion For Western Gnostics.
Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit.
Historical Dictionary of Jainism (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements Series).
History of Jainism (3 vol. set).
Jaina Path of Purification.
Jaina Sutras: Part I & II (Forgotten Books).
Jainism: An Introduction (I.B. Taurus Introductions to Religion).
Jainism: Short Essays on Jain Philosophy (Forgotten Books).
Jainism and Ecology: Nonviolence in the Web of Life (Religions of the World and Ecology).
Japji: Meditation in Sikhism.
Journey Through Jainism.
Life Force: The World of Jainism.
Lions of the Punjab: An Introduction to the Sikh Religion (The Los Horizon Series).
Deliberately: The Discovery and Development of Avatar.
Meditations on
Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization (Mythos).
Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists.
New Light on
Tantra: Account of Some Tantras, Both Hindu and Buddhist, Alchemy in Tantra, Tantric
Therapy, List of Unpublished Tantras.
Nine Tattvas (Principles).

Philosophies of India.
Sikh Spiritual Practice: The Sound Way to God.
Sikhism (World Religions Series).
Sikhism: An Introduction (I.B.Tauris Introductions to Religion).
Sikhism: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions).
The Book of Hindu Imagery: Gods, Manifestations and Their Meaning.
The Book of
Secrets: The Science of Meditation - A Contemporary Approach to 112 Meditations Described
in the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra.
The Buddhist
Tantras: Light on Indo-Tibetan Esotericism.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Hinduism.
The Essentials of Hinduism: A Comprehensive Overview of the World's Oldest Religion.
The Forest of Thieves and the Magic Garden (Penguin Classics).
The Guru Granth Sahib and Sikhism (Sacred Texts (Smart Apple)).
The Heart of Jainism.
The Hindu Temple: An Introduction to Its Meaning and Forms.
The Jain Path: Ancient Wisdom for the West.
The Jains (The Library of Religious Beliefs and Practices).
The Sikh Religion (Forgotten Books).
The Sikhs.
The Ultimate Sikhism Library - (A Unique Collection of 3 sacred books of the Sikhs).
The Voice of the Prophets: Wisdom of the Ages.
Understanding Sikhism (Understanding Faith).
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