The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need by Joanna Martine Woolfolk ![]() Woolfolk, the horoscope columnist for Marie Claire and Redbook magazines, has updated her classic guide for the first time in 19 years. Thoroughly covered here are sun signs, moon signs, planets, and the significance of the 12 zodiacal houses, as well as the most recent discoveries in astronomy and 21st-century projections. A great bargain for the price, this is highly recommended for all astrology collections. Encyclopedia of Prophecy According to this volume's preface, the term prophecy has two meanings. One is "inspired utterances" - an unseen being, usually a god or goddess, speaking through a mortal. The other meaning refers to predicting future events. In light of the interest in New Age phenomena such as crystals and astrology, an encyclopedic study of prophecy is timely. This work brings together information on prophets, psychics, symbols, methods, and even a study of theories of prophecy. The Moon Oracle: Let the Phases of the Moon Guide Your Life The authors put a lot of thought into their deck, and every card is beautiful, meaningful, and easy to understand. The book has excellent information about the Moon Herself, and every card in the deck is beautiful, meaningful, and easy to understand. Karma Cards: A New Age Guide to Your Future Through Astrology / Book and Cards A perceptive guide to the future that is guaranteed to entertain, amuse, and enlighten. Shuffle the cards, pick one from each of three decks representing the Planets, Signs, and Houses, place them side by side, and read across to get answers to questions about future love, career, and financial moves. 36 shrink-wrapped cards with comprehensive instruction booklet. Understanding the I Ching This is a book that anyone wanting to understand the I Ching should have in their collection. Here the observations of the Wilhelms are combined in a volume that will reward specialists and aficionados with its treatment of historical context-and that will serve also as an introduction to the I Ching and the meaning of its famous hexagrams. Astro-Logos: Revelations of a Hindu Astrologer This book is about the spiritual search of the man who brought Vedic Astrology to the West. How a man who has the same problems as all of us meets the wisdom of the East. It shows you some of the possibilities of Vedic Astrology. But more important it tells you the story of a honest spiritual seeker. Highly recommended. Crystal Balls & Crystal Bowls: Tools for Ancient Scrying & Modern Seership This book has wonderful exercises for the beginner and gives helpful hints to the experienced scryer also. The book not only discusses crystal balls and crystal bowls, but also touches on water divination and mirror gazing as well. I'd recommend it to anyone. Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer An excellent introductory text for students of Jyotish. This is a practical book, which will help you to make sense of a sometimes complicated astrological system. This book makes Hindu astrology easy. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Numerology You've heard that important events happen in 3s, 7 is a lucky number, and even the least superstitious among us would think twice about living on the 13th floor of a building. But when it comes to knowing what numbers can tell you about your future, just don't get how it all adds up. Your number's not up yet! The Complete Idiot's Guide to Numerology shows you how to use numbers to glimpse into the future. The Hamlyn Encyclopedia of Fortune-Telling: Predict the Future and Plan Your Life with This Practical Guide to Techniques Practice any of sixteen methods to get a glimpse of what may be in store for you and your friends and family - numerology, casting runes, crystal gazing, the I Ching, Western and Chinese astrology, reading tea leaves, the interpretation of dreams, and more. Or step back into the past and trace the events and predictions of famous fortune-tellers, from men of great intellectual power, such as Nostradamus, to "black sheep," like the Elizabethan occultist Simon Forman. Ouija: The Most Dangerous Game The First Book To Take A Hard Look At The Phenomenon Called "The Ouija Board". Is it just a game? When you ask the Ouija board a question, who is it that answers? What about those stories of Ouija-inspired prophecy and clairvoyance? What are the dangers of the Ouija board? Do you know the stories of Ouija inspired murders, madness, obsession and possession? Exalted by some, condemned by others, there's no doubt the Ouija is controversial. In this fascinating book Stoker Hunt investigates the history and legacy of this "Mystic Talking Oracle." The Pathfinder Psychic Talking Board This pair has produced many wonderful books and Tarot decks, and now this - it takes the cake! Rider - Waite: Learning To Read the Tarot Intuitively This video instructs, illustrates and demonstrates step by step how to read tarot intuitively! You will learn: Tarot As a Way of Life: A Jungian Approach to the Tarot Much more than a "how-to" guide for memorizing the meanings of the tarot cards, Tarot as a Way of Life reveals how the major and minor arcana represent the day-to-day and lifetime process of individuation. With a marvelous comparison of the symbolic differences between decks, Karen Hamaker-Zondag explains why it's important to choose a deck that speaks to you. While most guides to the tarot approach the cards only as a method of divination, Tarot as a Way of Life delves into the tarot's illustrations as a manifestation of the life process and explains how this deck of cards can affect you. Magical Tattwa Cards: A Complete System for Self-Development Combining Elemental Powers, Flashing Colors for Divination, Scrying & Meditation Tattwas - the ancient Hindu symbols of the five elements - act as triggers to the psychic layers of our mind through the combined power of their geometrical shapes and their vibrating primal colors. With this new kit of 25 cards, readers can use the tattwas for divination and for bringing themselves into altered states of consciousness. Dowsing for Spiritual Transformation Australian author and teacher Eric Dowsett’s use of dowsing as a spiritual practice has taken dowsing to the next level, incorporating true transformation into the process. | The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters by Shirley Blackwell Lawrence ![]() The Secret Science of Numerology is unlike any other book on numerology, because it explains why numerology works. It reveals the science behind this ancient mystical art. And, the book introduces the Inner Guidance Number, a powerful tool for accessing our inner knowing. Astrology Source Features: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Handwriting Analysis This signature book on handwriting analysis can be used by anyone who wants to examine his or her psyche - or that of a family member, friend, colleague, or pen pal. Encyclopedia of Tarot Kaplan, as the founder and owner of US Games Systems (a major distributor of Tarot cards) and a collector himself walks the reader through the history and schematics of the Tarot. The book contains many images from Tarot decks, modern and historic, and information for neophytes to Tarot. A must have for the serious enthusiast and a great introduction for the neophyte user.
Astrology: Understanding the Birth Chart This book is an introductory book on astrology, which combines both modern and classical methods. Those who want to learn classical astrology, but are reluctant to read the old "Christian Astrology" written by William Lily, would be pleased to find such a nice book. The Complete Book of Dowsing: The Definitive Guide to Finding Underground Water Dowsing is the age-old technique of detecting earth energies. With the simplest equipment, a competent dowser can detect complex geological formations underground that otherwise can only be confirmed through expensive and time-consuming drilling. This practical and authoritative book explains the complex art of dowsing in layman's terms, yet offers experienced dowsers advanced techniques to enhance their skills and obtain consistent results. Astrology of the Seers Astrology of the Seers is an excellent introduction to Jyotish, as it is very clearly written, with elegance, and a poetic touch. As usual Vamadeva Sastri lives up to his name, and his book shows it. this is a very "spiritualised" approach to Jyotish, and was very helpful for me to get a foundation in seeing the Grahas as "spiritual beings" or Devas... Vamadeva's scholarship and grasp of the subtle is simply amazing, the mind is illumined by his fine writing, and the heart is melted in Divine Love. The Book of Runes: A Handbook for the Use of an Ancient Oracle If there's a classic American rune caster, it's Ralph Blum. He's helped changed many lives, as well as stocked thousands of common bookstores with his combination interpretation and rune stone set. Astrology: A Cosmic Science The author makes the reader agree that Astrology is a Cosmic Science. Recommended for all levels of astrological knowledge seekers (beginners, middle, or advanced). This is a well-researched and finely written book. The Faeries' Oracle Author and illustrator Brian Froud offers believers a chance to consult with the magical wee folks. Using a deck of 66 "oracle cards," believers conduct readings as if interpreting Tarot cards. Each of the cards features Froud's signature faery pictures. Some of the cards have specific faeries, like the naked leaping "Spirit Lancer" - a feminine card that represents "self-expression, freedom, and exploration," according to the accompanying text written by Jessica Macbeth. Others are more abstract, like the "Guardian of the Gate," a blue- tinted card with splaying silver-white streaks that look like tendrils of faery hair. Learning the Tarot: A Tarot Book for Beginners Learning the Tarot is a complete course on how to use the tarot cards for personal guidance. The 19 lessons in the course cover the basics and then move gradually into more advanced concepts. Exercises and sample responses for each lesson help you learn and practice. For simplicity, only one easy layout is used throughout the course - the Celtic Cross Spread. Awo Obi: Obi Divination in Theory and Practice Divination is a critical part in the life of anyone seriously practicing any branch the Orisa tradition - whether it is Lukumi, Santeria, Candombie or Ifa. Divination affords the individual a chance to engage in a direct dialog with the Ancestors and Orisa, bringing an opportunity to have a personal communication with the powerful spirits of these religions. Awo Obi: Obi Divination in Theory and Practice allows the student to begin to utilize the art of divination in their own lives and personal religious practices. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Palmistry The authors reveal the long-held secrets of reading the future through the geography of the human hand. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Palmistry teaches you everything you need to know about the intriguing and revealing art of palmistry. The Art of Dowsing With plenty of expert guidance and inspiration from the author, this complete how-to book on dowsing will help you discover the many ways in which this ancient art can help you. From finding hidden treasure to answering difficult questions, dowsing's applications are nearly limitless. The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Runes Say you got a set of Rune Stones for Yule. You are a beginner, know nothing about these stones and you want a book that covers it all, costs less than $10 and fits in your backpack. Then Sirona Knight's Little Giant Encyclopedia of Runes is just what you are looking for. The I Ching Workbook The 5,000-year-old Chinese book of wisdom, presented in a unique work-book format designed to help truth-seekers find new meaning and enlightenment in its ancient lore. Numerology - Insights and Influences The ancient science of numerology teaches that everything in the universe vibrates at a particular rate, and that if we each understand the rate of our own vibrations, then we can gain the wisdom necessary for bettering ourselves. Learn the fundamentals of this practice in this informative video, which is one of the 41 volumes in "The Step-by-Step Guide to Holistic Health Series."
| Palm Reading for Beginners: Find Your Future in the Palm of Your Hand by Richard Webster ![]() Richard Webster has written some of the best books available on metaphysical subjects. This book is no exception. Palm Reading for Beginners is a great way to learn the basics of this ancient craft, from the shape of the hands, to what can be gleaned from the lines of the palm, and how to approach a hand reading in a professional manner. I highly recommend this work to anyone who wants to learn the correct way to paractice palmistry. Dowsing for Beginners: The Art of Discovering Water, Treasure, Gold, Oil, Artifacts (Llewellyn's Beginners Series) "Excellent - read it in a day, already putting the information into practice. very well written, insightful and full of useful advice."
Astrology - Celestial Prophecies Step by step guide to astrology by Linda Mackenzie, practicing psychic, clinical hypnotherapist, Ph.D.
Palmistry Encyclopedia This is not just a book, but the best guide on Palmistry. It is written for the novice as well as the expert Palmist. OUR HANDS TELL ALL. Palmistry to is a marvelous tool. Please never belittle the psychology of Palmistry. Remember our hands are the mirror of the mind, our virtues and our vices. It can reveal the stories of our character, our aims and ambitions and even more important, the possibility of our achieving them. Palmistry, Chiromancy, Chirosophy, call it what you may, it is a science and an art. Signs in the Sky: The Astrological & Archaeological Evidence for the Birth of a New Age In a riveting archaeological detective story, Adrian Gilbert takes us back - from the wisdom of the ancients through the secrecy of the early Christian world. Using the same techniques that unlocked the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids in The Orion Mystery, Gilbert penetrates the mysteries of prophecies set forth in the Old and New Testaments. The I Ching or Book of Changes More than just a translation, Richard Wilhelm's I Ching is a profound introduction to the Chinese world-view. The I Ching (Yi Jing) is recognized by both Confucians and Taoists as a foundational work, and Wilhelm shows why. He separates his work into three books. The first book is about the hexagrams - the meanings of the lines and Wilhelm's extensive comments. The second presents two early commentaries that interpret the wisdom of the divinatory text, also with Wilhelm's helpful notes. And the third book takes us back to the hexagrams for more detailed commentary from both ancient Chinese thinkers and Wilhelm. The Inner Sky: The Dynamic New Astrology for Everyone - The Stars Are Only the Beginning Here Is Your Guide to the Universe of Potential Within Us A Dynamic new astrology. The author's treatment in this introductory text is noteworthy for its compassion, humor and common sense. All of the basics are covered - planets, signs, houses and aspects - emphasizing how they reflect the rich complexity of life. Steven teaches the reader how to be fluent in the language of astrology, rather than merely following rote methods of interpretation. Ouija Board: Glow-in-the-Dark If you've seen "The Exorcist" lately, the folks at Parker Brothers would like to extend a heartfelt "Captain Howdy-Ya-Do?" courtesy of their newly luminescent classic Ouija Board equipment. It's the same traditional setup as it was decades ago: the alphabet-and-numbers board with "Yes," "No." How to Read Your Astrological Chart: Aspects of the Cosmic Puzzle Cunningham is a master of sorting out the important from the background noise. The more we learn and the more astrological factors we know about, the more complex it can become to read a chart. Cunningham takes us back to the basics in a way that brings new richness to every chart you will read. Scrying for Beginners: Tapping into the Supersensory Powers of Your Subconscious (Llewellyn's Beginners Series) Become a seer of visions with this easy-to-read book on the technique of scrying, a psychological technique to deliberately acquire information by extrasensory means through the unconscious mind, which makes it intelligible to the conscious mind in the form of images, sounds, and sensations. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Astrology This guide is for anyone who is interested in New Age theories and practices. It will introduce you to astrology, its houses, its signs and their meanings, and will provide information about astrology's connection with palmistry, tarot, and numerology. The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Handwriting Analysis Find out more about a person's character than words can say! Every slant, every squiggle, every gap between letters has meaning, often revealing whether the person is aggressive or dreamy, greedy or generous, artistic or materialistic, talkative or reserved. Foretelling the Future: Learn the Tarot with Paula Roberts If you have ever wondered how to begin to open up your own powers of foretelling the outcome of life's questions, this tape is invaluable. This colorful and highly informative 55 minute video will guide you through all the stages needed to learn more about the Tarot cards. From how to choose the right pack for you, how to store it and the meanings of each of the 78 cards. Tarot Plain and Simple At its essence the Tarot deals with archetypal symbols of the human situation. By studying the Tarot, we connect ourselves with the mythical underpinnings of our lives; we contact the gods within. This book presents the Tarot in language that is plain and simple, devoid of extraneous philosophical, or metaphysical musings, for those who wish to learn an easy and reliable method of reading for themselves and for others. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Divination: A Practical Guide to the Powers That Shape Your Destiny Astrology, dreams, cards, and more, Stephen Karcher explains them all in this multicultural guide to history's popular forms of divination. The illustrations alone would make this a desirable book, and they harmonize with the text to create a splendid compendium on prognostication. While experienced practitioners will likely be familiar with much of the information, anyone with an interest in forecasting the future will find the Illustrated Encyclopedia of Divination fully satisfying. Exploring Scrying: How to Divine the Future and Make the Most of It Scrying is the art of seeing into the future, past, or present. Exploring Scrying is designed to help you obtain this skill with the use of a step-by-step, do-it-yourself approach that has worked for thousands of people. This book takes on an eclectic approach to helping the reader develop scrying abilities, by exploring several theories including psychological, parapsychological, and esoteric schools of thought. Crystal Ball Gazing: The Complete Guide to Choosing and Reading Your Crystal Ball For a new generation of seekers, this guide provides clear instructions on how to read a ball, interpret its symbols, and apply its messages to such practical matters as healing, relaxation, and setting goals for the future.