| | | Merlin
Alternatively Merlynum.
An ancient magician of Britain, who supposedly dwelt at the court of King Arthur. His origin is obscure, but early legends pertaining to him concur that he was the offspring of an incubus, or Satan, but it is also suggested that he was an early Celtic god or sky deity, who with the passage of time ended up being regarded as a great wizard.
There appears to have existed more than just one Merlin, the welshman who became a bard of King Arthur and supposedly died after a terrible battle between Britons and their Romanized compatriots circa AD 570 and the warlock Merlin Caledonius, a northern Britain madman with no connection to King Arthur, also known as Myrddin Wyllt or Merlinus Caledonensis. A probability is that both characters sprung from the same origin or idea. The 'Seal of Merlin' the letter V with a crown over it is thought to stand for an association with the Roman Legions or the Dux Bellorum (Roman War Duke, a military appointment by the Emperor).
Merlin owe most of his notoriety to Geoffrey of Monmouth and his Historia Regum Britanniae, published circa 1139. Geoffrey's version of the character was immediately popular, and later writers expanded the account to produce a fuller image of the wizard. In the Arthurian legend Merlin was the offspring of an unholy union between an incubus from whom he inherited his supernatural abilities and an unsuspecting, sleeping human female. A zealous priest succeeded in baptizing him before his infernal parent could carry him off, thus freeing him from the power of Satan and his evil nature.
Merlin matured into a powerful sorcerer, and assisted Pendragon, the British king who was slain in a battle with the Saxons. He then became a counselor to the kings brother, Uther Pendragon, and eventually to Uther's son, Arthur. It was on Merlin's advice that Uther established the Round Table and found his true heir through the sword-in-the-stone test.
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Suggested Software:
Courses on New Age and Alternative Beliefs:
Ancient Times CD-ROM.
Full-Color Angels
Heavenly Images, Angels and Cherubs.
Knights and Merchants CD-ROM.
The Alchemist CD-ROM.
CD-ROM: The History of Earth.
Divination 4 CD-ROM Set: Astrology, Tarot, Palmistry, I Ching.

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HERE for more
related software.

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top-selling software titles.
After Hours: The Quest for the Grail DVD.

Ancient Mysteries
- Camelot (DVD).

Arn: The Knight Templar DVD.

Ancient Mysteries
- Quest for the Holy Grail.

Awaking Arthur (Video Download).

Biblical Collector's Series: Lost Biblical Treasures DVD.

Celtic Legends Boxed Set - Arthurian Legends, Scottish Legends, Irish Legends (DVD).

Cracking the Code
to the Extraordinary; Mystery Schools Ancient Knowledge and
Self-Empowering Tools DVD.

Crusades DVD.

Code of the Templars DVD.

Crusades: The Crescent & The Cross

Decoding the Past: The Templar Code
DVD (History Channel).

Gnosis, the Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed DVD.

Holy Quest:
Castle of the Holy Grail.

Holy Warriors: Richard the Lionheart &
Saladin (DVD).

In Search of History - Holy Grail
(A&E DVD Archives).

In Search of History: The Knights of Camelot (DVD).

In Search of History: The Knights
Templar (DVD).

In Search of the Holy Grail: From the Last Supper to the 21st Century DVD.

In Search of the Holy Grail with Dr. Robert A. Johnson DVD.

Ivanhoe (1982) DVD.

Ivanhoe (1952) DVD.

King Arthur: His Life
And Legends (A&E DVD Archives).

King Arthur, the
Young Warlord DVD.

King Arthur - The
Truth Behind the Legend DVD.

King Arthur's Britain

Knights and Armor DVD.

Legend of the Isles: 6 VHS Set (Robin Hood & King Arthur; Holy Grail & Stonehenge; Warriors & Pirates; Merlin & Fairies; Saint Patrick & Brendan; Richard the Lionheart & Bonnie Prince Charlie).

Looking for a Grail Legend DVD.

Medieval Warfare Boxed Set - The Crusades, Agincourt, Wars of the Roses DVD Collection.

ORBS: The Veil is Lifting DVD.

Prince Valiant (1954) DVD.

Revenge Of Ivanhoe (1965) DVD.

Richard the Lionheart (DVD).

Royston Cave of the Knights Templar and the Lost Book of Enoch (Amazon Instant Video).

Secret of the Holy Grail

Secret Societies by Philip Gardiner (DVD).

Secrets of Alchemy:
The Great Cross and the End of Time - DVD.

Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe (2002) DVD.

Sovereign Order of the Knights of Malta DVD.

The Crusades DVD Collection.

The Knights Templar DVD.

The Legend of Percival DVD.

The Rosslyn Frequency: Uncovering the Hidden World of the Knights Templar (Amazon Instant Video).

Trial of the Knights Templar - Secrets of the Cross DVD.

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Ancient Civilizations (World History Part 1).

Spiritual Counseling 101 .

Auras: Viewing, Identifying, and Understanding.

Metaphysics 101.

Greek Mythology.

World Religions 101 .

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new age and alternative beliefs courses.
Suggested Art prints and Posters:
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art prints and posters.
Suggested Books:
9th Century World
History in the Light of the Holy Grail.

A Concise History
of the Crusades.

A History of the

A History of the
Crusades: The First Crusade and the Foundation of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

A History of the
Crusades: The Kingdom of Acre and the Later Crusades.

Acts of King
Arthur and His Noble Knights.

Age of Knights &

An Historical
Guide to Arms & Armor.

Arab Historians
of the Crusades.

Armies of the

Arms and Armor of
the Medieval Knight.

Arms and Armour of the
Crusading Era.

Arthur, High King
of Britain.

Arthurian Fiction: An Annotated Bibliography.

Arthurian Myth
& Legend: An A-Z of People and Places.

Romances (Penguin Classics).

Avalon: The
Return of King Arthur.

Bloodline of the
Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed.

Bloody Constraint: War and Chivalry in Shakespeare.

Camelot: The
Myths and Legends of King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table.

Camelot Fantastic.

Chronicles of the
Crusades: Eye-Witness Accounts of the Wars Between Christianity and Islam.

Cidean Ballads
About the Great Spanish Hero El Cid.

Crusades: The Illustrated History.

Crusading Warfare.

Warfare, 1097-1193.

Defenders of the
Holy Land: Relations Between the Latin East and the West, 1119-1187.

Dore's Illustrations of the Crusades.

Dungeon Fire and
Sword: The Knights Templar in the Crusades.

El Cid (Andrade).

El Cid (Geraldine

El Cid: A
Multimedia Lesson Grade 7/Css103.

El Cid & the
Reconquista 1000-1492 (Men-At-Arms, No 200).

El Cid (Hispanics
of Achievement).

Empires Beyond
the Great Wall: The Heritage of Genghis Khan.

England and the Crusades.


From Scythia to Camelot: A Radical
Reassessment of the Legends of King Arthur, the Knights of the Round
Table, and the Holy Grail.

Genghis Khan:
Conqueror of the World.

Genghis Khan:
Emperor of All Men.

Genghis Khan:
His Life and Legacy.

God's War: A New History of the Crusades.

Byzantine Rulers: The Chronographia.

History of the

History of the
Crusades (Kenneth M. Setton).

History of the
Crusades (Steven Runciman).

History of the
Crusades: The Impact of the Crusades on the Near East.

History of the
Kings of Britain.

Holy Blood, Holy

Holy Grail: The
Galahad Quest in Arthurian Literature.

Isle of Avalon:
Sacred Mysteries of Arthur and Glastonbury Tor.

Journey to
Avalon: The Final Discovery of King Arthur.


Ivanhoe Cliffs

(Illustrated Classics Collection 4).

King Arthur: In
Legend and History.

King Arthur and
His Knights: Selected Tales.

King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table.

King Arthur's Enchantresses: Morgan and her Sisters in Arthurian Tradition.

King Arthur's
Return: Legends of the Round Table and Holy Grail Retraced.

Knight: A Noble Guide for Young Squires.

Knight and His

Knight and His

Knight in Battle.

Knights in Armor.

Knights (Single Subject References).

Knights Templar Encyclopedia: The Essential Guide to the People, Places, Events, and Symbols of the Order of the Temple.

Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript (Oxford World's Classics).

Malory's Le Morte D' Arthur: King Arthur and the Legends of the Round Table.

Religious Orders of the Middle Ages: Knights Templar.

Mysteries of the
Holy Grail.

Crusade: More Tales of the Knights Templar.

Parzival: The Quest of the Grail Knight.

Rob Roy
(Everyman's Library, 210).

Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail.

of the Templars: The French Text of the Rule of the Order of Knights

Studies on the
Legend of the Holy Grail With Special Reference to the Hypothesis of Its Celtic
Origin - Folk-Lore Society, London, Monographs: Vol 23.

Abominable Crimes: The Trial of the Knights Templar.

of the Knights Templar.

The 21 Lessons of
Merlyn: A Study in Druid Magic and Lore.

The Age of the
Crusades: The Near East from the Eleventh Century to 1517.

The Albigensian

The Archaeology
of Weapons: Arms and Armour from Prehistory to the Age of Chivalry.

The Ark of the
Covenant, the Holy Grail; Message for the New Millennium.

The Arthurian

The Arthurian
Quest: Living the Legends of Camelot.

The Atlas of the

The Book of the
Holy Grail.

The Boy's King
Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's History of King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table.

The Camelot
Chronicles: Heroic Adventures from the Time of King Arthur.

The Child Queen:
The Tale of Guinevere and King Arthur.

The Chronicles of
the Holy Grail.

The Chronicles of
the Round Table.

The Conquest of

The Crusaders:
Warriors of God (Discoveries).

The Crusades.

The Crusades: A History.

The Crusades: A
Short History.

The Crusades
(Biographical History).

The Crusades:
Cultures in Conflict.

The Crusades:
Five Centuries of Holy Wars.

The Crusades
(Pocket Histories).

The Crusades
Through Arab Eyes.

The Discovery of
King Arthur.

The Earth Is the
Lord's: A Tale of the Rise of Genghis Khan.

The First Crusade: Origins and Impact.

The First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials (The Middle Ages Series).

The First
Crusaders, 1095-1131.

The Fourth
Crusade: The Conquest of Constantinople (Middle Ages Series).

The Heart of
Mid-Lothian (Penguin Classics).

History of the Knights Templars.

The Holy Grail.

The Holy Grail:
Source of the Ancient Science and Spirituality of the Circling Cosmos.

The Illustrated
Encyclopedia of Arthurian Legends.

The Invention of
the Crusades.

The Kingdom of
Cyprus and the Crusades, 1191-1374.

Knights Templar and Their Myth.

The Knights Templar in the New World: How Henry Sinclair Brought the Grail to Acadia.

The Legend of William Tell (Bantam Little Rooster Book).

The Lost Books of
Merlyn: Druid Magic from the Age of Arthur.

Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar: Solving the Oak Island Mystery.

The Mammoth Book
of Arthurian Legends.

Monks of War: The Military Religious Orders.

The New Arthurian

The New Concise History of the Crusades.

New Knighthood: A History of the Order of the Temple.

The Oxford Guide to Arthurian Literature and Legend.

The Oxford Illustrated History of the Crusades.

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades.

The Quest for
Arthur's Britain.

The Quest for El

The Quest of the
Holy Grail.

The Real King
Arthur: A History of Post-Roman Britannia A.D. 410-AD 593.

The Rise and Fall of the Knights
Templar: The Order of the Temple, 1118-1314, True History of Faith,
Glory, Betrayal and Tragedy.

The Romance of
Arthur: An Anthology of Medieval Texts in Translation (Garland Reference Library of the
Humanities, Vol 1267).

The Search for
King Arthur.

Second Messiah: Templars, the Turin Shroud and the Great Secret of

The Templar Revelation: Secret
Guardians of the True Identity of Christ.

Templars: Knights of God.

Trial of the Templars.

Warriors and the Bankers: A History of the Knights Templar from 1307 to
the Present.

Worship: The Myth of the Baphomet, Templar, Freemason Connection.

Wilhelm Tell (German Literary Classics in Translation).

William Tell: One Against an Empire [A Swiss Legend].

William Tell Told Again.

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El Cid.

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Holy Grail.

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Knights Templar.

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