| | | Ophir
In the Bible, a seaport or region from which the ships of King Solomon brought fine merchandize, including a great quantity of gold, precious stones, ivory, sandalwood, apes and peacocks, ‘black gold’ — pepper — and spices, cardamom, cinnamon, chilies, cloves and cumin, spreading the repute of this exotic littoral to a world that was greedy for the riches and legend of the unknown East.
"Then Hiram sent his servants with the fleet, seamen who knew the sea, to work with the servants of Solomon. And they went to Ophir, and acquired four hundred and twenty talents of gold from there, and brought it to King Solomon." 1 Kings 9:27-28
Ophir's geographical location has been the subject of much debate, with several regions being advanced as the ancient city, such as Armenia, South Africa, Arabia, the West Indies, Peru, the coast of India, Spain, and Ceylon. However, its exact location remains a mystery.
Ophir was also, in the "Conan the Barbarian" stories, the name of one of the Hyborian kingdoms, situated south of Aquilonia, Nemedia, and Corinthia, and north of Argos and Koth.
See Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, King Solomon, Mystic Gifts and Charms - New Age Gift Shop & Wicca and Pagan Supplies, Love Spells -- Use these powerful love spells to help you find and keep your true love, The Tarot Store, Divination & Scrying Tools and Supplies, Unique Amulets, Talismans, Good Luck Charms, and Love Tokens, Powerful Witch Doctor Spell Kits, Powerful Spells - Cast by Andreika the Witch, Webmasters Make $$$, AzureGreen - Celebrating All Paths to the Divine, ISIS - Tools for Your Soul's Journey, and The Pyramid Collection - Myth, Magick, Fantasy and Romance.
Sources: (1) Peters, Karl, King Solomon's Golden Ophir: A Research Into the Most Ancient Gold Production in History, Ulan Press; (2) Craufurd, C. E. V., Treasure Of Ophir, Routledge Publishing.
| | |
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