| | | Quantum Mechanics
Also called the 'new physics', quantum mechanics states that, side by side with this world, another world exists; a parallel universe, a duplicate copy that is somehow slightly different and yet the same.
As fantastic as it may sound, it states that not just two parallel worlds, but three, four, and even more exist simultaneously. In fact, that an infinite number of them exists, and in each of these universes, you, I, and all the others who live, have lived, will live, will have ever lived, are alive.
For each infinite number of possible realities, based on every possible variant on any possible happening at any possible time and place in the universe, a different — and yet similar — world exists.
See Roswell, Alien Abduction, Alien, Men in Black, UFO, Area 51, Flying Saucer, Grays, Exobiology, Fortean Phenomena, Astral Travel, Apparition, Altered State of Consciousness, ESP, Seance, Asport, Materialization, British Society for Psychical Research, Rappings, Automatic Writing, Findhorn, Glastonbury Scripts, Theosophy, Psychic Archaeology, Spiritualism, Poltergeist, Ghost, Parapsychology, Muffon Journal, International UFO Reporter, Philadelphia Experiment and Other Ufo Conspiracies, Philadelphia Experiment Chronicles, The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility, The Philadelphia Experiment Murder: Parallel Universes and the Physics of Insanity, Mystic Gifts and Charms - New Age Gift Shop & Wicca and Pagan Supplies, Love Spells -- Use these powerful love spells to help you find and keep your true love, The Tarot Store, The Chakra Store, Divination & Scrying Tools and Supplies, Unique Amulets, Talismans, Good Luck Charms, and Love Tokens, Powerful Witch Doctor Spell Kits, Powerful Spells - Cast by Andreika the Witch, Webmasters Make $$$, AzureGreen - Celebrating All Paths to the Divine, ISIS - Tools for Your Soul's Journey, and The Pyramid Collection - Myth, Magick, Fantasy and Romance.
Source: Mysteries of Mind, Space & Time: The Unexplained, H. S. Stuttman Inc. Publishers.
| | |
Suggested Software:
Courses on New Age and Alternative Beliefs:
Left at East Gate: A First-hand Account of the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident, Its Cover-up, and Investigation CD-ROM.
Sightings -
The Ultimate UFO and Aliens Study Resource CD-ROM.
The UFO Anthology Deluxe 3 CD-ROM
Set: Deluxe Field Guide to Extraterrestrial Phenomena.
Totally New Complete Edgar Cayce Readings CD-ROM.
CD-ROM: The History of Earth.

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related software.

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top-selling software titles.
Advanced Ice Age Civilizations and Atlantis DVD.

Ancient Alien -

Ancient Mysteries Series 48 Episodes.

Ancient Mysteries Series 4 DVD Set.
Ancient Mysteries: UFOs First Encounters.
Ancient Mysteries: UFOs - The First Encounters DVD.

Chariots of the Gods - The Original

Chariots of the
Gods (1996).

Chariots of the Gods - The Mystery
Continues (2002).

In Search of
Ancient Astronauts.

Myths and Legends of Ancient
Civilizations DVD.

Technologies Of the
Gods: The Case For Pre-Historic High Technology DVD.

UFO Experience: Erich Von Daniken.

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top-selling DVD titles. |
Astronomy 101 - Exploring Our Universe .

Cosmology 101 .

UFO Studies .

Introduction to Australian Archaeology .

Astronomy 101 .

Understanding Technology.

Understanding Parapsychology and the Paranormal.

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new age and alternative beliefs courses.
Suggested Art prints and Posters:
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art prints and posters.
Suggested Books:
Realities: How Science Shapes Our Vision of the World.

Realities: Mathematical Models of Nature and Man.

Ancient Astronauts: A Time Reversal.

Astronauts, Cosmic Collisions and Other Popular Theories about Man's Past.

Ancient Inventions.

Arrival of the
Gods: Revealing the Alien Landing Sites at Nazca.

Beyond Einstein:
The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe.

Chariots of the

Chariots of the
Gods: Unsolved Mysteries of the Past.

With Ogotemmeli: An Introduction to Dogon Religious Ideas.

Creation Secrets
of the Dogon Shaman, the Star Sirius and the New Age Prophecies.

Discovering Your
Past Lives & Other Dimensions.

Dogon (Heritage
Library of African Peoples. West Africa).

Einstein's Dream: The Search for a Unified Theory of the Universe.

Forbidden Archeology: The Full Unabridged Edition.

Forbidden History: Prehistoric Technologies and the Suppressed
Origins of Civilization.

Genesis Revisited: Is Modern Science Catching Up With Ancient Knowledge?

Hyperspace: A
Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the Tenth Dimension.

Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings: Evidence of Advanced Civilization in
the Ice Age.

Masters of the World: Groundbreaking New Revelations About the Ancient Astronauts.

Mysteries of Mind,
Space & Time: The Unexplained.

Dimensions: Exploring the Unexplained.

Universes: Your Other Selves.

Universes: The Search for Other Worlds.

Passport to
Magonia: On Ufos, Folklore, and Parallel Worlds.

Refuge of the
Apocalypse: Doorway into Other Dimensions.

Strange Creations: Aberrant Ideas of Human Origins from Ancient Astronauts to Aquatic Apes.

Taking the
Quantum Leap: The New Physics for Nonscientists.

Technology of the Gods: The Incredible Sciences of the Ancients.

The Bible and
Flying Saucers.

Case of the Ancient Astronauts.

The Chinese
Roswell: Ufo Encounters in the Far East from Ancient Times to the Present.

The Dogon of West
Africa (Celebrating the Peoples and Civilizations of Africa).

The Eagle's Quest: A Physicist's Search for Truth in the Heart of the Shamanic World.

The Eyes of the
Sphinx: The Newest Evidence of Extraterrestrial Contact in Ancient Egypt.

The Fabric of
Reality: The Science of Parallel Universes-And Its Implications.

The Gods Were Astronauts: Evidence of
the True Identities of the Old 'Gods'.

The Mars Mystery: The Secret Connection Between Earth and the Red

The Modern Myth,
Ancient Astronauts and Ufos.

The Ra Material: An Ancient Astronaut Speaks.

Sirius Connection: Unlocking the Secrets of Ancient Egypt.

The Sirius

The Sirius
Mystery: New Scientific Evidence for Alien Contact 5,000 Years Ago.

Yahweh Encounters: Bible Astronauts, Ark Radiations and Temple Electronics.

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We Are Not the First:
Riddles of Ancient Science.

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