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Uncovered - The Whole Truth About the Iraq War A chilling exposé of the lies upon which the war on Iraq is based
Buy this DVD | The Reptilian Agenda Amazing collection put together by conspiracy theorist David Icke
Buy this DVD | The Secret NASA Transmissions: The Raw Footage You Wanted Proof...HERE IT IS!!!
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Unconstitutional - The War On Our Civil Liberties Reveals how the Patriot Act violates numerous civil liberties the U.S. Constitution guarantees
Buy this DVD | The Secret Underground Lectures of Commander X Shocking Truth About the New World Order, UFOS & Mind Control
Buy this DVD | Secrets of Angels, Demons & Masons Theories about the Illuminati and the Freemasons
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Secrets of the Black World UFOs & Area 51
Buy this DVD | Cloak of the Illuminati Stargate Secrets of the Anunnaki
Buy this DVD | Hidden Agenda: Real Conspiracies, Multi DVD set
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Secrets of the Matrix David Icke reveals the illusion of life in this "physical" reality, live to a packed house at one of London's most famous venues, the Brixton Academy
Buy this DVD | Freedom Road David Icke tells the astonishing story of how the world is controlled today by royal bloodlines seeded in the ancient world that have passed through history, manipulating the human race for thousands of years
Buy this DVD | Revelations of a Mother Goddess David Icke - containing the staggering story of human sacrifice and satanic rituals involving the most famous people in the world. Double VHS Set
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From Prison to Paradise The presentation the Illuminati, the forces of global control, tried so hard to stop. Just prior to the taping of this program, previously scheduled press interviews were canceled and government officials questioned Icke's right to free speech
Buy this DVD | Conspiracies The shadowy world of conspiracy theory. In thought-provoking interviews noted authors including Gerald Posner (Case Closed) and Mark Lane (Rush to Judgment) make convincing cases for their interpretations of history
Buy this Video | JFK: The Case for Conspiracy What really happened on November 22, 1963. Here, for the first time, are optically enhanced films and photographs from that dark day and the investigation and cover-up that followed
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Conspiracy: Secret History 5 Disc DVD Set
Buy this DVD Set | Angels and Demons Revealed Demonology and Secret Societies
Buy this DVD | The Three Faces Of UFOlogy The Alien Hypothesis Conspiracy
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Secret NASA Transmissions - Smoking Gun EBE Award Winner! Best Film
Buy this DVD | The Secret NASA Transmissions 2 The Favorite Underground Footage Among Astronauts
Buy this DVD | Conspiracy Files: Michael Jackson, Dangerous Steps Michael Jackson's legal problems
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Amelia Earhart (A&E DVD Archives) She was an uncommon heroine, a legendary aviator, and the focus of one of the greatest mysteries of all time. A daredevil of unimaginable proportions, Amelia Earhart was destined to make her mark on history
Buy this DVD | Conspiracy Files: Princess Diana A Plot At The Palace. Speculation about Diana's tragic death has received fresh impetus from a new coroner's investigation and the disclosure that Lady Diana believed that her husband was plotting to kill her in a staged car accident
Buy this DVD | Image of an Assassination - A New Look at the Zapruder Film The first commercially available video version of the legendary 26-second "Zapruder Film" - the 8mm record of John F. Kennedy's 1963 assassination, which was filmed by Abraham Zapruder
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CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) Inside the CIA
Buy this DVD | CIA - The Secret Files An exposé of the CIA
Buy this Video | Secrets of the CIA Ground breaking documentary work
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