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White River Monster



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Allegedly, a creature described as being sea-serpent-like and at least thirty feet long that supposedly inhabits the White River (a tributary of the Mississippi) in the area near Newport, Arkansas.

The monster was first reported in 1937 by a plantation owner named Bramlett Bateman, and since then several sightings have been recorded, with some witnesses saying that it made a loud bellowing noise and that it had a spiny backbone.

In 1973 the area was made into an "Official White River Monster Refuge" by a bill introduced by the then Arkansas State Senator Robert Harvey.


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Loch Ness Monster, Cryptid, Cryptozoology, Dragon, Flathead Lake Monster, Giant Squid, Hydra, Kraken, Leviathan, Mokele-Mbembe, Sea Serpent, Sea-Wolf, Agogwe, Abominable Snowman, Almas, Sasquatch, Chuchunaa, Curupira, Higabon, Dzu-Teh, Kaki Besar, Maricoxi, Bigfoot, Mapinguary, Yeti, Meh-teh, Nguoi Rung, 'X', Windigo, Orang Pendek, Teh-lma, The Chakra Store, Mystic Gifts and Charms - New Age Gift Shop & Wicca and Pagan Supplies, Love Spells -- Use these powerful love spells to help you find and keep your true love, The Tarot Store, Divination & Scrying Tools and Supplies, Unique Amulets, Talismans, Good Luck Charms, and Love Tokens, Powerful Witch Doctor Spell Kits, Powerful Spells - Cast by Andreika the Witch, Webmasters Make $$$, AzureGreen - Celebrating All Paths to the Divine, ISIS - Tools for Your Soul's Journey, and The Pyramid Collection - Myth, Magick, Fantasy and Romance.

White River Monster

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Suggested Software:
Courses on Magical Arts:

-- Dream Interpreter CD-ROM: Spiritual, Psychological and Traditional Interpretations of Dreams.

The Cameron Files: Secret at Loch Ness CD-ROM.

The Totally New Complete Edgar Cayce Readings CD-Rom.

The URANTIA Book CD-ROM: The History of Earth.

Ultimate Divination 4 CD-ROM Set: Astrology, Tarot, Palmistry, I Ching.

Wild Africa 4 CD-ROM Set.

-- Click HERE for more related software.

-- Click HERE for the best prices on top-selling software titles.

Suggested Videos:

-- Beast of Loch Ness.

Before the Dinosaurs: Walking With Monsters DVD.

Beneath Loch Ness - DVD.

Bigfoot (A&E DVD Archives).

-- Creature Collector's Set.

-- Creature from the Haunted Sea DVD.

-- Creature Unknown.

-- Death of a Sea Monster DVD.

-- Dinosaur Hunters - Secrets of the Gobi Desert DVD.

-- Discovery Essential Dinosaur Pack.

-- Discovery Channel: Dinosaurs - Inside and Out DVD Set.

-- Discovery Channel: Clash of the Dinosaurs DVD.

-- Fact Or Faked: Paranormal Files Season 1 (Amazon Instant Video).

-- Flatwoods Monster Case (Amazon Instant Video).

-- From the Depths Double Feature: Lost City of Atlantis/The Legend of Loch Ness DVD.

In Search of History: Loch Ness Monster.

In The Arms Of The Octopus.

Incident at Loch Ness - DVD.

Is it Real? Season 1 (Amazon Instant Video).

Lake Monsters.

Loch Ness.

Loch Ness Discovered.

Mee-Shee: The Water Giant DVD.


Monsters of the Deep.

Monsters of the Sea.

MonsterQuest - Complete Season 1 DVD Set.

Mysteries & Myths of the Twentieth Century: Loch Ness.

Mysterious Monsters DVD.

National Geographic: Bizarre Dinosaurs DVD.

National Geographic - Dinosaurs Unearthed DVD.

National Geographic Dinosaur Collection DVD Set.

National Geographic: Sea Monsters - A Prehistoric Adventure (Blu-ray).

-- National Geographic's Really Wild Animals: Dinosaurs and Other Creature Features.

-- Night Creature DVD.

Paleo World: Sea Monsters.

Prehistoric Planet - The Complete Dino Dynasty DVD.

Sasquatch Science: Searching for Bigfoot DVD.

Sea Monsters: Search for Giant Squid.

Sea Serpent.

-- Search For Africa's Most Secret Animals.

Search for the Abominable Snowman.

Secrets of the Unknown - Big Foot.

Secrets of the Unknown - Lake Monsters.

-- The Beast of Loch Ness DVD.

The History of Sea Monsters: Investigate If Bizarre and Undiscovered Creatures Live in the Oceans and Lakes DVD.

The Hunt for Bigfoot, Nature's Greatest Unsolved Mystery.

The Mysterious Monsters DVD.

Ultimate Dinosaur Collection (Walking with Monsters/ Walking with Dinosaurs/ Allosaurs/ Chased by Dinosaurs) DVD Set.

-- Click
HERE for more related videos.

-- Click HERE for the best prices on top-selling DVD titles.

-- Cryptozoology 101.

Ancient Civilizations (World History Part 1).

-- Finding Your Animal Teachers.

Working with Your Animal Allies, Teachers and Totems.

Understanding Parapsychology and the Paranormal.

-- Click HERE for more new age and alternative beliefs courses.

Suggested Art Prints and Posters:

Schoolboy from Edinburgh Offers His Apple to the "Monster"
Schoolboy from Edinburgh Offers His Apple to the "Monster" Giclee Print
Molini, Walter
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    Winged Creature with Horse- Like Head Seen by Mr. and Mrs Nelson Evans
Winged Creature with Horse- Like Head Seen by Mr. and Mrs Nelson Evans Giclee Print
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Sicilian Farmers Report Cat-Like Creature with Serpent's Body Seen Near Palermo
Sicilian Farmers Report Cat-Like Creature with Serpent's Body Seen Near Palermo Giclee Print
Molini, Walter
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  At Bocca di Magra Italy Fisherman Colmaro Orsino of Genova Sees a Mermaid
At Bocca di Magra Italy Fisherman Colmaro Orsino of Genova Sees a Mermaid Giclee Print
Molini, Walter
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Ape Like Creature That was Shot and Killed in the Colombian and Venezuela Jungles
Ape Like Creature That was Shot and Killed in the Colombian and Venezuela Jungles Giclee Print
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    Marine Creature Sighted from the British Banner
Marine Creature Sighted from the British Banner Giclee Print
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Tibetans Hunting in the Snow Catch Sight of This Man-Like Creature
Tibetans Hunting in the Snow Catch Sight of This Man-Like Creature Giclee Print
Ferrari, Rino
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    Argentina Countryfolk Report Sighting of a Plesiosaur-Like Creature
Argentina Countryfolk Report Sighting of a Plesiosaur-Like Creature Giclee Print
Galland, Andre
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Was There Really a Mysterious Monster Terrorising the World's Oceans
Was There Really a Mysterious Monster Terrorising the World's Oceans
Graham Coton
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    The Serpent
The Serpent
Victor Hugo
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A Giant Sea Serpent
A Giant Sea Serpent

French School
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    Sea Serpents Do Exist!
Sea Serpents Do...
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Styracosaurus with a Massive Horned Frill
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    Brachiosaurus Dinosaur in a Forest
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Side Profile of Ceratosaurus Dinosaur
Side Profile of...
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    Dimetrodons' Spines Could Grow Up to Four Feet High
Charles Knight
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An Ugly Winged Serpent of the Sea Rears up to Confront a Startled Sailor
An Ugly Winged Serpent of the Sea Rears up to Confront a Startled Sailor
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    Don Sea Serpent
Don Sea Serpent
F. De Haanen
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-- Click HERE for more related art prints and posters.
-- Click HERE for related magazines and periodicals.

Suggested Books:

-- A Dictionary Of Cryptozoology.

A Guide to Fossils (Princeton Science Library).

A Living Dinosaur.

A Natural History of the Unnatural World: Discover What Cryptozoology Can Teach Us About Over One Hundred Fabulous Creatures That Inhabit Earth, Sea and Sky.

A Natural History of the Unnatural World: Selected Files from the Archives of the Cryptozoological Society of London.

America's First Mammoth.

American Dinosaur Hunters (Collective Biographies).

American Museum of Natural History: On the Trail of Incredible Dinosaurs.

Basic Paleontology.

Bigger Than T. Rex: The Discovery of the Biggest Meat-Eating Dinosaur Ever Found.

Beneath Blue Waters: Meetings With Remarkable Deep Sea Creatures.

Big Cat Mysteries of Somerset.

Cadborosaurus: Survivor from the Deep.

Chased by Sea Monsters: Prehistoric Predators of the Deep.

Chupacabra, You Don't Scare Me!

Chupacabras and Other Mysteries.


Cryptozoology: Science & Speculation.

Cryptozoology A To Z: The Encyclopedia Of Loch Monsters, Sasquatch, Chupacabras And Other Authentic Mysteries of Nature.

Cryptozoology And the Investigation of Lesser-known Mystery Animals.

Cryptozoology in the Medieval and Modern Worlds.

Dinosaur Encyclopedia.

Dinosaur! The Definitive Account of the 'Terrible Lizards'- From Their First Days on Earth to Their Disappearance 65 Million Years Ago.

Dinosaur Worlds: New Dinosaurs New Discoveries.

Dinosaurs: Dead or Alive? - Cryptozoology.

Does Champ Exist?

Drums Along the Congo: On the Trail of Mokele-Mbembe, the Last Living Dinosaur.

Encyclopedia of Cryptozoology.

Encyclopedia of Cryptozoology: A Global Guide to Hidden Animals and Their Pursuers.

Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs.

Extreme Expeditions: Travel Adventures Stalking the World's Mystery Animals.

Field Guide to Lake Monsters, Sea Serpents, and Other Mystery Denizens of the Deep.

Fossil Mastodon and Mammoth Remains in Illinois and Iowa and Proboscidian Fossils of the Pleistocene Deposits (Augustana College Library Pubns, No 5).

From Flying Toads to Snakes with Wings: From the Pages of Fate Magazine.

Giant Squid: Monsters of the Deep.

Giant Squid: Mystery of the Deep.

Haunted Lakes: Great Lakes Ghost Stories, Superstitions and Sea Serpents.

Here There Be Monsters: The Legendary Kraken and the Giant Squid.

Hydra and Kraken, Or, the Lore and Lure of Lake-Monsters and Sea-Serpents.

Ice Age Monsters (Cave Bear, Woolly Rhinoceros, Megaceros, Glyptodon, Mastodon).

In Search of Ogopogo: Sacred Creature of the Okanagan Waters.

In the Domain of the Lake Monsters.

In the Wake of the Sea-Serpents.

Lake Monster Mysteries: Investigating the World's Most Elusive Creatures.


Loch Ness Monster, the Lake Erie Monster, And Champ of Lake Champlain.

Mammoths, Mastodonts, and Elephants: Biology, Behavior, and the Fossil Record.

Mammoth (The Extinct Species Collection).

Mastodon Hunters to Mound Builders North American Archaeology.

Men Among the Mammoths: Victorian Science and the Discovery of Human Prehistory (Science and Its Conceptual Foundations).

Megamouth! (Weird New Science).

Mokele Mbembe: Fact or Fiction?

Mokele-Mbembe, Legend of the Congo Dinosaur.

Mokele-Mbembe: Mystery Beast of the Congo Basin.

Monster Myths.

Monster of the Sea.

Monsters of the Deep (Remarkable World Of).

Monsters of the Sea.

Monster Wrecks of Loch Ness and Lake Champlain.

My Highland Kellas Cats.

Mythological Water Creatures: Cetus, Sea Monster, Neck, Lake Monster, Nguruvilu, Cirein-Cròin, Issie, Gryttie, Coi Coi-Vilu, Pincoy, Adaro.

Mystery Big Cats.

Mystery Big Cats of Dorset.

Mystery Cats in Devon and Cornwall.

Mystery in Acambaro: Did Dinosaurs Survive Until Recently?

Mysteries of the Bizarre Animals and Freaks of Nature (Strange Unsolved Mysteries).

Mysterious America: The Revised Edition.

Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology, 2 Volume Set.

Mothman and Other Curious Encounters.

Night Comes to the Cretaceous: Dinosaur Extinction and the Transformation of Modern Geology.

Night of the Chupacabras.

No Mercy: A Journey to the Heart of the Congo.

North American Mammoths: An Annotated Bibliography, 1940-1990 (Mammoth Site of Hot Springs, South Dakota, Inc. Scientific Papers, Vol. 2).

On the Track of Unknown Animals.

Quest for the African Dinosaurs: Ancient Roots of the Modern World.

Raptors! The Nastiest Dinosaurs.

Sea Serpents and Lake Monsters of the British Isles.

Searching For Ropens - Living Pterosaurs in Papua New Guinea.

Strange Highways: A Guidebook to America Mysteries & The Unexplained.

Taking Wing: Archaeopteryx and the Evolution of Bird Flight.

The Alien Animals: The Story of Imported Wildlife.

The Beast of Exmoor and Other Mystery Predators of Britain.

The Beasts That Hide from Man: Seeking the World's Last Undiscovered Animals.

The Big Book of the Unexplained.

The Big Cats and Their Fossil Relatives.

The Book of Sea Monsters.

The Call of Distant Mammoths: Why the Ice Age Mammals Disappeared.

The Complete Dinosaur.

The Complete Guide to Mysterious Beings.

The Devil and the Deep: A Guide to Nautical Myths & Superstitions.

The Dinosauria (Centennial Book).

The Evolution and Extinction of the Dinosaurs.

The Field Guide to North American Monsters: Everything You Need to Know About Encountering over 100 Terrifying Creatures in the Wild.

The Great New England Sea Serpent: An Account of Unknown Creatures Sighted by Many Respectable Persons Between 1638 and the Present Day.

The Legends Continue: Adventures in Cryptozoology.

The Loch Ness Monster (Exploring the Unknown).

The Loch Ness Monster (Mysteries of Science).

The Loch Ness Monster: The Evidence.

The Loch Ness Monster (The Unexplained).

The Mistaken Extinction: Dinosaur Evolution and the Origin of Birds.

The Mothman Prophecies.

The Mystery of the Loch Ness Monster (Can Science Solve?).

The Mystery of the Mammoth Bones and How It Was Solved.

The Sea Serpent Journal: Hugh McCulloch Gregory's Voyage Around the World in a Clipper Ship, 1854-55.

The Search for the Giant Squid.

The Vermont Monster Guide.

Tom Slick: True Life Encounters in Cryptozoology.

Tracking the Chupacabra: The Vampire Beast in Fact, Fiction, and Folklore.


Unexplained! Strange Sightings, Incredible Occurrences & Puzzling Physical Phenomena.

Water Monsters (Unsolved Mysteries).

Wild Cats of the World.

-- Click HERE for more Cryptozoology related books.

-- Click HERE for more Dinosaurs related books.

-- Click HERE for more Fantastic Animals related books.

-- Click HERE for more Lake Monsters related books.

-- Click HERE for more Mokele-Mbembe related books.

-- Click HERE for more Mothman related books.

-- Click HERE for more Prehistoric Animals related books.

-- Click HERE for more Sea-Serpents related books.

-- Click HERE for the best prices on top-selling book titles.



Further info:

-- White River Monster.
-- Lake Monsters.
-- Sea Serpents.
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