Occultopedia's shopping service is provided in association with Amazon.com, AllPosters.com and other quality online merchants. For further information, reviews, synopses and comments about any of these products, just follow the respective link.
After following a direct link or locating a product through the search functions at the merchant's site, you will see an item's detail page where you can press the 'Add It to Your Shopping Cart' button. Also at this time their purchasing software takes over and runs on their server using the same method their own customers normally use.
You can complete your order immediately by following the 'Proceed to Checkout' link, or continue shopping and finalize your order later. You will get complete customer service directly from the respective merchant(s). They will send regular updates on your orders by e-mail, and ship items directly to you. They will handle all of the financial transactions. Their Customer Service department will answer any questions or requests you have about your orders, including cancellations or returns as necessary.
Occultopedia is not responsible for the content of the pages in these online merchant(s) sites, or for any orders placed on them. You will have to deal directly with them for any issues that may arise from purchases or browsing in their pages.
Occultopedia may appear to be a for profit site, but my site is not really a commercial one. All of the commercial links are from affiliate programs, and the little revenue I get from these is to pay for domain, hosting, bandwidth — that can be quite costly if you have a lot of traffic, graphics and a pages — and any other expenses I incur related to Occultopedia's upkeep and maintenance.
Occultopedia is just a hobby of mine, which after many years on line grew quite large and popular. In the first few years, there was no commercial links at all, but as the cost of keeping such a site became a financial burden, I had to implement the affiliate programs system just to come out even.
I only get a small commission for the sales effectuated through these links, usually under 6%. These proceedings are solely used for the upkeep and maintenance of this website. Support Occultopedia and make it your online shopping destination. If you prefer, you can also make a donation. This website is created and maintained by one person, who also pays the hosting bill.