| | | Witchcraft
From the Old English wiccian (meaning to practice sorcery), it is sorcery as practiced by witch or witches. An act of employing magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits to produce unnatural effects in the world. The use of supernatural powers over others and the environment. In the popular sense, a magical or irresistible influence, attraction, or charm.
Sorcery denotes the pursuit of a certain end through magic, which might be harnessed through such varied means as simple herbalism, the use of waxen images or more elaborate spell-making.
Common to all folklore traditions and to virtually all eras, sorcery relies upon the intervention of good and bad spirits but does not necessarily involve any deeper specifically anti-Christian purpose. A sorcerer might call on the assistance of demons, but in so doing there is no automatic presumption that he or she thereby denies the supremacy of God.
In the modern world witchcraft is a form of nature religion, also called 'wicca', that emphasizes the healing arts. The term is also applied to various kinds of magic practiced in Asian, African, and Latin American communities.
Witchcraft, sorcery and simple spell-casting are as ancient as humankind: there is some evidence from cave markings that Paleolithic man indulged in it. It is also universal. African tribesmen chanted much the same invocations as the witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth.
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Suggested Software:
Courses on Magical Arts:
Black Cats and Pointed Hats.
Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
Dream Interpreter CD-ROM: Spiritual, Psychological and
Traditional Interpretations of Dreams.
Horoscope Interpreter CD-ROM
Generate and Analyze Horoscopes.
The Alchemist CD-ROM.
The Book Of Shadows CD-ROM.
The History of Earth.
Time Passages Astrology (PC & Mac).
Divination 4 CD-ROM Set: Astrology, Tarot, Palmistry, I Ching.

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related software.

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top-selling software titles.
Ancient Mysteries - Witches DVD.

Cracking the Code to the
Extraordinary; Mystery Schools Ancient Knowledge and Self-Empowering Tools

Craftwise Volume 1
Candle Magick DVD.

Craftwise Volume 2
Cord Magick DVD.

Craftwise Volume 3
- Talismans DVD.

Craftwise Volume 4
Herb Magick DVD.

Craftwise Volume 5
- Oils and Crystals DVD.

Dark Mirror of
Dark Mirror of Magick
DVD (Record
of an actual magical operation of historical significance).

Discovering Witchcraft: A Journey Through
The Elements.

Discovering Witchcraft: The Mysteries.

From Beyond:

Haxan; Witchcraft Through the Ages DVD.

Healing the Luminous Body; The Way of the Shaman DVD.

In Search of
History - Witchcraft.

Intention, Belief, Emotion, and Will;
Consciousness and The Scientific Basis for Magick and Miracles DVD.

Portrait: Witches.

Magic, Mysticism, and Initiation

Making a Traditional Witches' Besom DVD.

Of Men &

Secrets of Angels, Demons & Masons DVD.

Secrets of the
Unknown - Witches.

The Magick of Solomon - A History of Western Magick DVD.

The Supernatural - Witchcraft DVD.

The Supernatural DVD Boxed Set -
Witchcraft, Vampires, Nostradamus.

The Way of the Wizard & Alchemy: The Art of Spiritual Transformation - DVD.

What the "Bleep" Do We Know!? - Down the Rabbit Hole Quantum.

Witchcraft: Rebirth Of The Old Religion DVD.

Witchcraft & Magick; Real Events and Infamous Myths DVD.

Witchcraft in America: Behind The Crucible DVD.

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HERE for
more related

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HERE for the best prices on
top-selling DVD titles. |
Introduction to Dowsing - A Better Way of Life.

Numerology 101.

Handwriting Analysis Basics.

Paranormal Investigations: Complete Edition.

Understanding Parapsychology and the Paranormal.

Introduction to Paganism .

Magick Basics .

Wicca 101 .

Wicca Witchcraft & Magick: The Essentials .

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new age and alternative beliefs courses .
Suggested Art prints and Posters:
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HERE for more related
art prints and posters.
Suggested Books:
21st Century Wicca: A Young Witch's Guide to
Living the Magical Life.

Book of Pagan Rituals.

Grimoire of Shadows: Witchcraft, Paganism & Magick.

A History of
Witchcraft: Sorcerers, Heretics, and Pagans.

A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches Handbook.

A Witch's Guide
to Fairy Folk: Reclaiming Our Working Relationship With Invisible Helpers.

A Witch's Grimoire of Ancient Omens, Portents, Talismans, Amulets, and
Candle Magick: More Spells and Rituals for Every Purpose (Practical
Magick Series).

Advanced Witchcraft.
ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present.
Ancient Grimoire
of Dark Magick.
Angel Magic: The
Ancient Art of Summoning & Communicating With Angelic Beings (World Religion and Magic

At the Heart of
Darkness: Witchcraft, Black Magic and Satanism Today.
Magick: A Practical Guide.

Book of Shadows:
A Modern Woman's Journey into the Wisdom of Witchcraft and the Magic of the Goddess.

Complete Book of Witchcraft.

Celebrating Times
of Change: A Wiccan Book of Shadows for Family and Coven Growth.
of Power: Ritual Magic in the Western Tradition.

Complete Art of

Complete Idiot's Guide to Wicca and

Witchcraft for Three or More.

Dark Moon
Mysteries: Wisdom, Power, and Magic of the Shadow World.

Discoverie of

Dreaming the Dark: Magic, Sex, and Politics.

Drawing Down the
Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America Today.

Embracing the
Moon: A Witch's Guide to Rituals, Spellcrafts and Shadow Work.

Enochian Magic
for Beginners: The Original System of Angel Magic.

Everyday Wicca:
Magickal Spells Throughout the Year.

Evocation of
Spirits (Truth About Series).

Evolutionary Witchcraft.

Faery Wicca:
Theory & Magick: A Book of Shadows & Light.

Galdrabok: An Icelandic Grimoire.

Cabalistic Encyclopedia: A Complete Guide to Cabalistic Magick (Llewellyn's
Goetic Evocation: The Magician's Workbook.

Gothic Grimoire.

Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard.

Grimorium Verum.
Hermetic Magic:
The Postmodern Magical Papyrus of Abaris.
Magic's Aid.

Inner Temple Of Witchcraft.

Inside a Witches'

Key of Solomon.

Lady of the Night: A Handbook of Moon Magick & Rituals.

Luciferian Witchcraft:
The Revealed Grimoire of the Left-Hand Path.

Art of Solomon: A Grimoire.

Aromatherapy: The Power of Scent.

Magical Rites from the
Crystal Well.

Workbook: A Modern Grimoire.

Magick: What It Is and How It Works.

Maleficarum of Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger.

Mastering Witchcraft.

Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts.


Nocturnal Witchcraft.

Of Witches:
Celebrating the Goddess As a Solitary Pagan.
of Wisdom: The Magical Cabala in the Western Tradition (Llewellyn's High
Magick Series).

Power of the

Principles of

Practice of
Magical Evocation.

Magics: Grimoire of Sorcery.

Praxis Spagyrica
Philosophica Of Plain and Honest Directions on How to Make the Stone.

Raising Hell: A
Concise History of the Black Arts and Those Who Dared Practice Them.

Red Dragon - The
Grand Grimoire.

Ritual Practices
to Gain Power: Angels, Incantations, and Revelation in Early Jewish Mysticism.

Sabbats of Wicca.

Salem Possessed;
The Social Origins of Witchcraft.

Grimoire of Turiel: Being a System of Ceremonial Magic of the Sixteenth Century.

Witchcraft: The History and Magick of the Picts.

Spells and How
They Work.

Stardancer's Wheel of the Year.
Summoning Forth
Wiccan Gods and Goddesses: The Magick of Invocation and Evocation.
Spirits: The Art of Magical Evocation.

Summoning the
Familiar: Powers and Rites of Common Life.

Summoning the
Fates: A Woman's Guide to Destiny.

Teen Witch:
Wicca for a New Generation.

The Black Arts.

The Black Pullet
or the Hen With the Golden Eggs: The Science of Magical Talismans from the French..

The Book of Black

The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts.

The Book of the
Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.

The Book of
Spells: Over 40 Secret Recipes to Get Your Own Way in Love, Work, and Play.

Candle Magick Workbook.

The Encyclopedia
of Witches and Witchcraft.

The Element Encyclopedia of 5000
Spells: The Ultimate Reference Book for the Magical Arts.

The Family Wicca
Book: The Craft for Parents & Children.

The Goetia the
Lesser Key of Solomon the King: Lemegeton, Book 1 Clavicula Salomonis Regis.

Golden Dawn: A Complete Course in Practical Ceremonial Magic/Four
Volumes in One (Llewellyn's Golden Dawn Series).

The Great Grimoire of Pope Honorius III.

The Greater Key
of Solomon - 1914.

The Green Witch
Herbal: Restoring Nature's Magic in Home, Health & Beauty Care.

The Grimoire of

Grimoire of Lady Sheba.

The History of the Celtic Religion and Learning: Abaris, the Hyperborian,
Priest of the Sun.

The History of
Witchcraft and Demonology.

The Key of
Solomon the King (Clavicula Salomonis).

The Magical Art
of Soloman: Being the Ars Notoria; A Grimoire (Kabbalistic Grimoire series #3).

Magicians Companion.

Magicians Reflection.

The Magician's
Workbook: A Modern Grimoire.

The Magus: A Complete System of Occult Philosophy.

The Malleus
Maleficarum of Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger.

The Manual of
Harmonics of Nicomachus the Pythagorean.

Middle Pillar: The Balance Between Mind and Magic.

The Modern
Witch's Book of Symbols.

The Modern
Witch's Guide to Magic and Spells.

The Outer Temple Of Witchcraft.

The Pythagorean
Sourcebook and Library: An Anthology of Ancient Writings Which Relate to
Pythagoras and
Pythagorean Philosophy.
The Ritual Magic
Workbook: A Practical Course of Self-Initiation.
The Satanic

The Truth About
Witchcraft Today.

The Warlock's
Book: Secrets of Black Magic from the Ancient Grimoires.

The Wicca Book of
Days: Legend and Lore for Every Day of the Year.

The Wicca Garden: A Modern Witch's Book of Magickal and Enchanted Herbs and Plants.

The Wicca Source
Book: A Complete Guide for the Modern Witch.

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The Wiccan
Mysteries: Ancient Origins & Teachings.

The Wiccan Path:
A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner.

The Wiccan & Faerie
Grimoire of Francesca De Grandis.

The Witch in
Every Woman: Reawakening the Magical Nature of the Feminine to Heal, Protect, Create, and

The Witches'
Almanac (Annual).

The Witches'
Almanac: The Complete Guide to Lunar Harmony (Serial).

The Witches'
Goddess: The Feminine Principle of Divinity.

The Witches

The Witch's Master

The Wizard's Grimoire.

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Flame: Practical Witchcraft for the Millennium.

To Ride a Silver
Broomstick: New Generation Witchcraft.

To Stir a Magick
Cauldron: A Witch's Guide to Casting and Conjuring.

of Life, a Study in Magic.

True Magick: A
Beginner's Guide.

Grimoire: Romance, Enchantment, Magic.

Sorcery Grimoire.

Ways of the
Strega: Italian Witchcraft - Its Lore, Magick, and Spells.

Wicca: A Guide
for the Solitary Practitioner.

Wicca: The Old
Religion in the New Age.

Wicca Candle

Wicca Craft: The
Modern Witches Book of Herbs, Magick and Dreams.

Wiccan Magick:
Inner Teachings of the Craft.

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Thirteen Moons to Master Natural Magic.

Witchfinders: A Seventeenth-Century
English Tragedy.

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